Sunday, April 29, 2012

its good to be wrong

For days I have been dreading Saturday. It was this day that a trainer I had previously worked with was coming out to help me reconfigure my equip(for Lymphedema). The day I first met Tracy was one of extreme ...drama? I had received the worst news I thought I could-I had Lymphedema in my legs and this was a chronic disease. While trying to process that news, I had to endure this woman's "straight forward" kind of attitude, as she explained to me. I was so emotional at this time that personally, I hardly saw her as human with the insensitive way she was trudging on. I was brought to tears over and over, although I desperately tried to hide that fact. You can well imagine I never wanted to see her again. 

Then I called for help and she was the responder coming to my home. For days I have been nervous, scared and planning a rebellion in my mind. Days of stress, hours trapped in my mind , preparing for a future event that I did not know the outcome but was so sure it would be negative, as if I were a prophet. 

Today is Sunday. I'm here and went beautifully. Tracy was nice, understanding and the biggest comment of them all is she solved my problem!

All those hours and days of stress I can't erase but hopefully next time I come against an unknown event, I will remember yesterday. So much waste of emotion. So, yeah sometimes I am glad I was wrong.