Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Death of Service

Customer Service is truly dead! Perhaps, I just don't understand it all. We are supposed to be in an economical slump. If this is the case, does it not stand to reason that companies should be vying for our business with excellent service, rather than this subpar behavior? It appears to me, and has for decades now, that little to no companies feel as if they need us as individual consumers, based on their automated monstrosities, lack of human understanding and complete failure of knowledgeable representatives.

Rather than the stalling tactics of pushing numbers on a phone, shouldn't there be a human being at the other end of the phone, with a pleasant voice, asking what they can do to keep me as a customer?

I am fed up! I feel as if, we American consumers have given up on demanding an acceptable standard. Currently we allow these companies to harass us with their sales calls and "reminders" to pay bills yet, in exchange, give nothing of quality in products or service. Where did the laws on consumership go? There used to be a basic model in place: If you receive good service/product, they get your business. If you fail in quality of either, we and all our friend will not give your business money. Now, we tip when picking up to go dinners or when waitresses have barely been seen at the table. We repeat over and over our phone numbers and personal information into machines that never seem to actually record it. When will we all realize that we do have the power to demand excellent customer service? If we all just refused the services of those that do not give it.

It would be then, and only then that we could return to a simpler time when a business provided the service they advertised and we expected and got quality in that process.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Savior Man

Dear God,
It's me, Catherine. I was just thinking....good on me, right??!! haha Ok so I have this Jesus doll, you know, your SON, that I keep at my desk, in sight. I must confess, in the beginning it might have been a bit about the irony of it. That, I, being a ...rebel of traditional religious values would honor "the savior of the Christian World". OH yeah, did I mention that in my last prayer I said to you? Umm, yeah, forgive me.

Wait for it, there is a bright side. Secretly, I've always known that I love him, like I do Ghandi and hey, Eminem(is in training), Pink(well on her way), etc. Of course I do NOT believe he is Your son, anymore than Johnny Dep, me or ex president Bush. Who am I kidding, that last one is more likely the son of your enemy! Anyway...focus Catherine...

Seriously though dude, why did they call him our savior? What did he save us from? Death? Nope, we still got that going on. Sin? Nope, we are ALL sinners. Eternal Damnation? Nah, that can STILL happen, so they say, if you don't go to church, smile(even when you don't meant it) and etc, etc. I love Jesus Christ in a whole different way. I think he was a wonderful man, but..just a man. However, I do have one more step...

But...what if Jesus was the first soul, put through enough lifetimes or touched enough (whatever the process is) to come back and BE the light of God...you know what I mean? That would make Christians right in a strange way. I do hate to give it to them. I don't hate them that they got the gist of your "word" wrong. You know those guys you hired to write that book, really didn't do the best of jobs. See, it isn't even Christians faults.

I don't think they will agree, somehow. That would take the ability to think outside , "The Book". Hey, I guess if I dressed up in robes and stood in front of a podium, with lots of hand gestures and stereotypical blessings and praises...bet they would believe me then. Poor Sheep. 

So what do you think God, did I get it right? Am I close to figuring out that all men are actually equal, including Jesus Christ? He was merely an advanced soul, as in did the work to truly be a transcendent soul worthy of leading. That Jesus was enlightened enough to know, preach and LIVE true encompassing love, which is the only word You ever meant for us to follow. 

Maybe it will just be our little secret, God. 

Thanks for listening big guy. 


Sunday, March 17, 2013


The future I envision is one in which there is no race. A world where stereo types can no longer thrive, because there is no a and b that equals said c. It is a place that is struggling to take over, as I speak right now. There is a movement, that has crawled on its hands and knees to appeal to the masses. It comes from the spiritual world that I have long since believed in. The one where there is only one of us, one loving, accepting...entity

With all the angry voices raised at the "invasions" upon our country, I speak out: I want all kinds of races to come here. I want every color, shape and size to interact with the exact opposite and from each union, create a person, a human being that cannot be defined with the narrow adjectives and negative, casual labels that are expelled from lips of the ignorant. Instead I would prefer, "what a pretty color of skin they have?" and then have that dismissed right out of hand because it doesn't matter anyway.
