The future I envision is one in which there is no race. A world where stereo types can no longer thrive, because there is no a and b that equals said c. It is a place that is struggling to take over, as I speak right now. There is a movement, that has crawled on its hands and knees to appeal to the masses. It comes from the spiritual world that I have long since believed in. The one where there is only one of us, one loving, accepting...entity
With all the angry voices raised at the "invasions" upon our country, I speak out: I want all kinds of races to come here. I want every color, shape and size to interact with the exact opposite and from each union, create a person, a human being that cannot be defined with the narrow adjectives and negative, casual labels that are expelled from lips of the ignorant. Instead I would prefer, "what a pretty color of skin they have?" and then have that dismissed right out of hand because it doesn't matter anyway.
With all the angry voices raised at the "invasions" upon our country, I speak out: I want all kinds of races to come here. I want every color, shape and size to interact with the exact opposite and from each union, create a person, a human being that cannot be defined with the narrow adjectives and negative, casual labels that are expelled from lips of the ignorant. Instead I would prefer, "what a pretty color of skin they have?" and then have that dismissed right out of hand because it doesn't matter anyway.