Monday, October 15, 2012

Al Athena Stani

My cat is a terrorist!! She is; when she wants food, that is it...she will rub all over you...she will wrap around your legs, trying to make you move towards her food, essentially tripping you. Then after and while, she will meow, this high pitched sound that sounds similiar to a baby's cry. No, I researched this...cats KNOW this. They know that women, especially are designed to be motivated by those cries. She is a terrible soul come back from my past life to reap revenge upon me, I'm sure of it.  She followed me into my room meowing and I kept telling her NO. She wouldn't stop so I said get out. She usually obeys, but not this time so I began shooing her with my hands. I got more aggressive, waving my hands, forgetting my phone was in it and ...BAM, face first it went on my hardwood floors. Cracked to pieces. The picture of it will make you cry.
On the brightside, I may very well have a great future in baseball.

1 comment:

  1. Ow! Hope your phone insurance covers that kind of dust up. And that cat thing doesn't just work on women, it seems more like an "adult, protect the young!" gimick.
