Saturday, November 20, 2010

Boys & Their Toys

Anyone that knows me knows I am a hardcore PS3gamer! With that come boys. Although, women are beginning to get a foothold in the gaming industry it is still dominated by the male species. Therefore, I am forced to be around them, play with and against them and naturally, they become my friends. I have a unique situation in that, because most of them begin to see me as one of the boys and I get to see their world. Umm…it is NOT a pretty sight!
·         the cussing
·         the fussing
·          the arguing with one another
·         The graphic jokes and comments

Trust me ladies, you may not recover from one of these sessions. However, I have an investment in it because to game is to breathe. I have quite the group too. The “leaders” and I have all known one another going on four years now. What an odd relationship we have! We all have one another’s home phone numbers and such. We know a lot about each other’s real lives as well. Yet, generally we only meet up online, on the game!

In case, I do have any lady viewers I need to mention that yes, this journey to boydome is indeed a rocky road. I still get the occasional lude remark. It has taken me quite some time to get even this status. In the beginning I am a target of boyhood fantasies: A GIRL GAMER!! Omg! Haha As if I am a rare species just discovered. At one time or another, every guy in my group has hit on me or made a real effort to find romance. I recognize it as the hollow phase that it is now, but yes, its flattering before you realize that.

Now that that story is told, let me get to the root of my blog. I play war games mostly, specifically, the fabulous-all-consuming Call of Duty series! My boys and I met up in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare back in 2007 on the brand new Playstation 3 system. Then most of us went to Call of Duty: World at War, then came Call of Duty: Modern Warfare2 and currently we are in Call of Duty: Black Ops. Through all of these games there are good points to each game and bad. The one that stands true through all of them is the cheating, mods and server issues that go on.  A game can be compromised in any of these ways and it is almost impossible to find out which and definitely impossible to solve said problem. So tell me why they gripe? Haha  Yep this whole blog was to express my frustration with WHINY boys! Hahaha

To my boys: Grow some ya’ll and stop being a girl!


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