Let me begin by saying this blog will be a doozy. I have neglected my blogspot for a bit and have so many topics running through my head that I have decided to collaborate at least three of them here. That was my warning that you should have a cup of coffee or some form of caffeine in your hand to continue on.
I thought censorship was a thing of the past personally. However, recent events seem to say differently. Let’s begin this circus of media with the Bill O’Reilly/The View Incident. Those of you that live under a rock and didn’t hear about it, I will recap. Bill O’Reilly, radical conservative with his own talk show was a guest on The View discussing several issues heatedly. It was when he began the topic on the 9/11 memorial—MOSQUE that things became overly so. He was explaining that the mosque being built there was, “inappropriate”. He even stated statistics that 70% of all Americans do not want the mosque to be built there. Joy Behar, specifically found this fact to be exaggerated and began to become more elevated in her tone. All hell let loose when Mr. O’Reilly states, “Muslims killed us on 9/11”. He went on to say that even our President Obama would not give full reason for his support. Obama’s only comment was to the concept of “religious freedom” and how we all equally had the right to express ourselves. He specifically refused to comment on the “wisdom” of said project. I believe this was a very thorough stating of facts on Mr. O’Reilly’s part but Joy Behar and Whoopie Goldberg decided they could not tolerate Mr. O’Reilly’s right to free speech.
Yes, he could have put it more gently. Yes, he could have specified that these are radical/extremists/zealots or the age-old terrorists. Those bandaids would not change the fact that the men responsible for 9/11, in so much that we know are indeed calling themselves Muslim. I’m sorry but he was not wrong! The only thing Bill O’Reilly did wrong was he forgot to kowtow to the bleeding heart politically correct liberals that would have us call a black pot off brown, rather than black so as to not hurt anyone or organization’s feelings.
The next incident, which was supported by Mr. O’Reilly as well, occurred when Juan Williams of NPR in an interview on television said, “When I get on a plane…and people are in Muslim garb and I think they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.” Mr. Williams was fired as a result. Susan Williams defends this action by saying Mr. William’s wrongdoing was that he, as a NPR news analyst gave his opinion and should not have. What a ludicrous statement! Anyone speaking in a public medium, discussing issues …well, it’s all about opinions. NPR doesn’t offer up mere facts, nor does any one network. We all know that NPR is the right wing, as Fox News is the radical left respectively. Those directional slants are not born of facts but rather different and individualistic perspectives, ie…opinions!
Yes, Mr. Williams could have kept this to himself. He could have dared not utter what is on (and this is my opinion ONLY) a huge percentage of Americans minds and hearts when they board planes in the exact fashion, not to mention most, if not all public avenues. I can assure you that I have a mild sense of panic and unease assault me every time I see a woman or child in a burka. It takes great restraint on my part to remember that this is a single human being, not representative, necessarily, of the radical views that my mind perceives the burka states.
If it was not already evident let me now please make it clear: The mosque should not be built on the burial grounds of so many Americans!! In this case, the actual truth of whom or who did not cause 9/11 is not as important as the fact that most of us believe a Muslim faction carried out this atrocity. The mosque being built there would then be like patting them on the back of their heads in a congratulatory manner. It is extremely insensitive to all those families left behind to endure this reminder of who is responsible for the loss of their loved ones. Yes, Mr. O’Reilly, it IS indeed inappropriate, I agree. As for President Obama’s place in this is another matter. I understand on one hand that he is playing the diplomat by stating that this is an allowance that defines American freedom. I think in a whole other manner he means this to extend a hand of friendship to the many Muslim-Americans that are increasing our population every day; It’s politics! That said, I can’t help but be disappointed that our president risks heart and compassion for his people in order to walk that fine politically correct line. If ever there was a time to sway that line it should be whilst considering anything that will affect the spot or survivors of the worst ever recorded event in the United States of American history.
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