Friday, October 1, 2010

Contact or not to…that is the question

How much is enough contact in the information age? When do we know when to not allow a person onto our MySpace page, or our cell numbers or our addresses? Without our knowledge anyone can find our information via the net nowadays so how do we protect that yet enjoy the connections it affords? Let me rewind and tell you what brings me to these questions.

After four years of the same phone number I had it changed about a month ago. I had to change my phone number to get someone to leave me alone. Yes, this caused me concern, but I still wanted to believe he is just one of those that hangs on a little too tightly or maybe losing me is a big deal (allow me that ego moment).Stalker? Unbalanced? More so, was it all my fault in the beginning for allowing him to have my number before I was sure it would be respected? Yes, I tend to give my number out too freely ever since the texting bug hit me. I figure what harm can a text be and why would anyone choose anything other than that? (this is only directed at casual friends) Boy was I wrong.

He was just some guy I gamed with on my beloved Playstation. We ended up spending a lot of time together since I do tend to game daily and he was there.
…I heard that!

All you non-gamers just shook your heads in pity and disbelief, just as society at large used to when the internet relationships began; look how that turned out. Let me assure you that you can get to know someone fairly well on a gaming system, just like on the internet.

Let us return to the matter at hand. I realized things were getting out of hand with this guy so I tried reeling back. Initially, stating plainly that there was nothing going on here but I enjoyed his friendship. Upon hearing this news the guy went from sweet uttering's of admiration and love to declarations of my depravities and immoral imaginary behaviors quickly. Let me tell you one thing…You guys (that do this) are beyond detestable! You claim to love someone, arguing that you cannot live without them but as soon as you realize that that won't work, you turn from Doctor Jeckle to Mr. Hyde. It is deplorable and proves that this imaginary thing you claim, such as (cough) love is so far from anything you are capable of understanding.

At first I tried to convince him otherwise. I wanted to salvage a friendship/gaming relationship. The second time, I merely told him one last chance. The third time I said nope we can't even be friends. Then we are back to the beginning of my blog…permanent separation; If only that had worked.

Today I learned that my Playstation account had been hacked. This…pitiful excuse for a man somehow figured out my password, deleted all my friends on my account and changed said password so I couldn't access it. Thank goodness his intelligence does not match his deviousness. I spent the better part of a hour on the phone with Sony figuring out my options to stop this creep. Basically, he will get away with the harassment but I can ensure that he will not have access to me anymore. Sadly, to do this I lose two of usernames that I have come to love; I have to cancel them.

I'm pissed that yet again in my life a jerk is allowed to bully me. It appears that the law and/or corporations seem to enable those that are smart enough to play the game but not bright enough to make good decisions. Before I get too farlong into a rant, let me say that I realize I must take some responsibility in this. Obviously, my trust instinct needs to be adjusted. Specifically, I need to limit contact with the all important digits, emails ,etc.

I'm still left wondering how I can do this without becoming that person that refuses to allow anyone "in". The internet, gaming, etc is all very social for me. I relish meeting new people and getting in their heads and hearts. How can I continue my exploration of the human psyche but remain safe from the possible backlash? I know one thing, when presented with this dilemma I will remember this case and choose differently. Wish me luck!

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