Friday, September 10, 2010

Keith Olbermann: Burning of the Koran

Terry Jones...a minister?!!! haha What a freaking joke. My goodness how to articulate in a rational manner the pure bile that this of God(I use this term loosely) spews? If you hadn't heard yet, Mr.Jones plans to and encourages his church (yes, gasp this man runs a church) to burn the koran in ...memory(?) of the 9/11 disaster. First of all, tell me how this act speaks on the lives that were lost on that horrific day, please? What healing or positivity can be gained from such an act of terrorism? Is not the job of a "holy man" to ease tensions, create harmony and extend tolerance and love? WWJD, Mr.Jones?

What happened that day was perpetrated with the illest of destroy not just parts of America but a part of our souls as a people. New York and the targets were symbols of our great nation in many ways, like a Christian's bible. They torched that! They did their best to tear us apart by defacing a beloved thing. A terrorist faction did that, not a religion! The koran is a beautiful book full of stories, fables, morals, just like the book we call the bible. It is a specially depraved person that can twist the words of a higher ideal into something sinister.   Now, Mr.Jones plans to do the same thing to show them that we, are the good guys? The good guys that are doing the exact same thing the terrorists did. Terrorism is not a racial term my dear idiotic freaking small-minded bible thumping neanderthal! It is a label given to any person(s) or factions that means to do harm to another. For clarifications sake let me quote Mr.Webster to be accurate:



1.the use of violence(burning: check) and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
2.the state of fear (eliminating their bible ie,a threat to anyone that holds that book in reverance, Fear: check)and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

3.a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government(ie, religion, faction, idealogy, etc: check).
Well, well Mr.Jones, it appears that I am not the only person that understands YOU ARE A TERRORIST!!!

1 comment:

  1. Catherine, please, don't insult the poor neanderthals by comparing this small minder perverter of the scripture to them. For all we know they were a generally tolerant, broad-minded branch of humanity that would have gaped at this hatefull little man in horror. I would say that he is, in a way, worse than a terroist, because will provide generations of extremists on both sides with all the excuses they need to justify their attrocities.
