I don't watch the news! I have been called ignorant on more than one occassion for this fact by friends,co-workers, even family. My own mother is visibly frustrated with me as she utters,"oh did you hear about(insert tragedy here)?" she stops herself and snides, "oh, that's right...you don't watch the news." Although the tone, adjectives and inflection changes, the same situation plays itself out on a daily basis.
I came to this decision many, many years ago, if it could even be called that. There was never a doubt in my mind that the news was detrimental to the world, much less to my particular life.
Let's see...a series of broadcasted tragedies ring out for an hour in the evening and an hour at night on most channels. You hear the verbal cues for tears as the newcaster makes her or his eyes look just sad enough. I am supposed to believe that these make-up ridden women with enough hairspray on their heads to ignite a small explosive, understand and can relate the ways of the world to me. They decide what "news" is noteworthy and which lives are marked enough for publicity? I think not!
How is it we all have decided that the only news worthy of our attention is this negative crap that drones on daily? There are so many beautiful things in this world that could be showcased to encourage humanity. I just really don't see the point in knowing that another human being was murdered today or that another kid was put in jail due to drugs. That said I can assure you I do hear it.
Here is the amazing part...I don't have to watch the news to hear about it. My mother alone keeps me up to date on the murderous and scary world we live in today but if she isn't enough; I can tell you that the water cooler talk consists of nothing but the latest tragedies. I don't escape this assault even on the bus ride to my car. The grocery store check out line is alive and well with "tuffts" and "hmmms" that are barely sincere, but whispered for society to approve their disdane. Oh yes, we can all agree that these are bad people so we must be good ones. If only we looked at ourselves as closely.
So I don't watch the news but sadly I hear about it all day long. Even though I choose to lead a life that focuses on the most positivity I can find , I am still forced to listen to the atrocities that plague my fellow man. Just in case you missed my point...Nope, I don't watch news, I am force fed it almost in the same way that the sheep are that do watch it.
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