Thursday, May 5, 2011

Short-term Love?

So it turns out I might be needy. Is there a way to define or qualify that word, I wonder. In a relationship, specifically is there such a thing as too much affection? I want to know everyday that I am loved. I want to be touched all the time, just for the sake of showing affection/warmth. I demand some form of quality contact from the man I love at least everyday.Although sex is very important there has to be time when the touching doesn't lead to that too. Are these things too much to ask, especially when they will be reciprocated tenfold? Does the initial honeymoon stage always have to end? How long do you endure changes to a relationship and/or the person you fell in love with before you cut and run? If these phenomenon are destined to happen in a relationship (which seems to be my experience) then why do we even begin? Therefore, if dating is this hard...does that mean marriage is merely settling for these "realities"? These are the questions that haunt me. They bring me to a rather ... slightly ridiculous, yet relevant proposal: Should relationships only be short-term?

Seriously, I'm thinking that the three to four month period of bliss is all I want. Would that really be so hard to maintain? Can you imagine just enjoying the whole falling in love process over and over? Sure the end would suck but it seems to happen anyway, so if I prepare for surprises! no pain! My mother told me that I am too old to be "playing the field"(her term for dating she calling me a slut? hmm), that I need to settle down with one man. I wish dear old mom's advice was as easy to follow as to say. Her and my father met and married in 3-4 months. I guess they never experienced the out of love stage before they married. Maybe that is the answer. So my choices are fall in love and wait for it all to fall apart or fall in love and get married and have it all fall apart but AFTER I'm married.

Is love one of our human needs? I wonder if I could boycott that one. Maybe if I get down on my knees long enough and pray to God he'll make my heart stop wanting it. On the brighter side of it all...I have some wonderfully bad, sad, poignant and crappy poetry to document it all.

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