Let me begin with a disclaimer: I understand Astrology is not an exact science(yep I said science). I know that there are exceptions, allowances for free will, social/economic status that will warp the traditional zodiac traits.
That said, there is still a basic core that I find correlates to each person's destined signs; this is mine.
Pisces Personality:
Sometimes you feel that you do not belong in this world, but where you actually belong is still unknown. People around you may be even more confused by your hard to follow personality. You have great intuition and can easily understand anyone's point of view. This could cause problems, though, as you try to help end everyone's sob story.
You are capable of hard work and sacrifice(ONLY when its to help someone else hehe) to reach a goal or help someone. You are best suited in a more relaxing job(nursing...not stressful at all...psyche), than one filled with stress and conflict. Filled with talent and charm, you have wonderful ideas and skills(wonderful might be stretching it). However others rarely see this side of you because you are so unsure of yourself (why did they have to go and put that out there. I am not unsure of myself, or am I?)
Pisceans are very generous and unselfish and people always want to be friends with you. You almost have a sixth sense (I'm totally psychic) about what's going to happen and others would be best to listen to your hunch. You do not judge others by their cover(Nope my mom's voice still rings in my ears if I try to judge), but by the person they are inside. And everyone can appreciate that.
So this is me all day long with very few to no alterations. Now you know. I'm a big bundle of sensitive nerves, all the while trying to help everyone else be the perfect people that I think my utopia dictates.
Dan Millman says I am a 33/6 in his fabulous book, "The life you were born to live". This means:
Dan Millman says I am a 33/6 in his fabulous book, "The life you were born to live". This means:
Working 33/6 in the Positive
Surrounded by a bright energy field reflecting purity and clarity, these sensitive individuals have an attractive energy and enthusiastic way of helping others to see their own perfection and the positive side of every issue. Their body is strong because they've developed and refined it through proper exercise(dang I hated giving up those juicy, sloppy, greasy burgers!) and diet. They accept their shape whether or not it meets anyone else's idea of perfection. They see the inherent perfection of others, and they have come to accept themselves; self-evaluation has changed to self-valuation. They always have a kind word (the word is dooo dooo) or good thing to say about others. Their laser eyesight can spot the beauty in anyone or anything; they see the higher beings we are all becoming. With their high standards and sense of fairness, they work for justice, right,(they forgot to say, and are forever disappointed when the world doesn't become perfect like it should) and truth in constructive ways.
Working 33/6 in the Negative
Tight-lipped, inhibited outsiders, these individuals have down-turned corners of their mouth that indicate their disappointment with most people and their anger and frustration about the world. "It isn't fair!" is the battle cry of these harsh critics, as they judge the world against unreachable ideals. They hold in their expression or let it out in negative tirades and complaints as their laser vision points out the flaws in everyone and everything. Their body holds tension within extra fat or extra muscle as body armor to insulate them from a world that feels burdensome due to their own self-imposed standards.
I have no real higher purpose in this blog. I merely wanted to talk about me, me me.
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