Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm reading the sequel to the classic story of Gone with the Wind, titled, "Scarlett". In that and the orginal novel, Scarlett's lifes blood, her source of energy and power seems to come from her ancestral home, Tara. I remember fully understanding her drive to fight for her home. Unwittingly, my need for my own home might have been influenced by Scarlett's obsessive behavior over her own home.
My One Need, Chapter 1
Truthfully, there are many reasons why a house, my own home is a driving need in my life. One my parents never owned theirs until they were nearly 40 and I was well out from under them. Leases were always coming up, prices going up; all causing us to move more often than I liked as a child. It made for an unstable life in which I craved a sense of security, but was denied. Therefore, it stands to reason that I am seeking something in a home that was missing in my childhood, dependability, stability and a secure place.

The next clear moment when realized a home was mandatory for my life was when I walked into Dancing Moon Bookstore. The place radiated warmth. As soon as I walked in the door I had a sense of peace perpetuated by the incense permeating the whole building. Then you hear the tinkle of wind chimes made vibrant with a gentle breeze produced by perfectly placed fans to create a most joyous sound. These sounds...these smells actually changed my emotional state to one of pure joy. Even now, every time I walk in there I am bombarded with tranquility, almost against my will, pleasantly so. Therefore, I knew that I wanted to recreate this beauty in my own daily living and that had to be done with none of the restrictions you find in a rental home; I needed to buy and build my own heaven.

Upon one's deathbed it is important to leave this world with no regrets. Some people pass on never having known love, success, fame or fortune and for this they take their last breaths with remorse in their hearts. For me, the only thing that could cause me to rethink my life is not owning my own home. This would be  my one  ultimate failure in life.
I have currently checked out many books detailing the necessities of house building. There is hope yet to buile my heaven.

The End

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